Today Juniper turned four. Jim and I still exchange at least ten looks a day over her head that say to each other: "Can you believe this? Can you believe that she's our kid?" Every day has a moment or two that feels like the day we brought her home from the hospital and sat on the couch staring at how perfectly her tiny hands curled on her chest. This year I requested one of those really small video cameras for Christmas because I'll be damned if another year goes by and I end up wondering how she turned into a five-year-old. I'm carrying this video camera with me everywhere, and I'm going to sit her down with her brother every Saturday morning and tape them for a few minutes, so that at the end of the year I can watch all of the footage and remember what happened. I stopped noticing how she changed this year after her brother was born, and I feel like I just woke up this morning and found a big girl sleeping in her bed. I don't know how that happened.

I made her a birthday crown for her birthday. Jessica has a wonderful tutorial on making a felt crown, and that's where I started. I didn't follow it exactly, but I started with her instructions and just made up the rest as I went. I made the crown out of wool felt, ribbon, embroidery floss, fabric, elastic, and regular thread. I cut the flower free hand. I sewed the top edges together using a blanket stitch I learned from this tutorial.

She's worn it all day.
Even without a new baby I'm still taken-aback by my 3 and half year old. When did she get so grown up and clever? She'd love the crown though, I've added it to my mental list of birthday ideas for 6 months hence. Thanks! I especially like the flower at the front, it's gorgeous.
I love the crown and 4 year old or 22 year old... I'd love it on my birthday.
Well done Wood!