As soon as I saw the pattern for the Easy Pullover for Babies, Toddlers and Kids
on the Purl Bee website, I wanted to make it right away. The loose fit,
large neck opening, and lightweight yarn were perfect for my son, who like a lot of kids
complains about anything tight or itchy or too warm. The pattern was
posted in January, while I was already working on Gram's birthday sweater,
and I seriously contemplated ripping the entire thing out and starting
the easy pullover. The pattern is perfect for preschool boys, and it is
just such a handsome little sweater.
At the time, I forged ahead and finished the birthday sweater, but I never stopped thinking about the pullover pattern. When I came across an absolutely perfect shade of Madeline Tosh
sock yarn, I knew that it would make a lovely pullover. The yarn was a
slightly variegated gun metal gray -- a perfect combination of beautiful
and boyish. I always show all of my new yarn to Jim as soon as I get
home from the yarn store, and 99% of the time he shrugs and gives me a
completely underwhelming response. HOW CAN HE NOT CARE ABOUT HOW BEAUTIFUL THIS YARN IS? But when I showed him the gray yarn,
he actually responded. And as I started to make the sweater, he pointed out that it looked like chain mail. I think he was simply plotting to encourage our son to wear the sweater under one of his many warrior costumes.
I finished the sweater during
the height of summer, so it hasn't gotten much wear until now and I am the one itching for him to wear it. There
were a few chilly campfires on the beach up north this summer, and the sweater made its debut then. It might be my favorite project yet.
(Luckily, I have an extra skein and a half of this
yarn leftover. I think I will use it to make a chain-mail head piece for
Gram. My costume-making skills have become nearly obsolete by my
husband's ever-expanding leather and woodworking skills, but maybe I
still have something to contribute to go along with all of the swords
and armor.)

Previous Project: Wooden Swords
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